Binary Operations
Hissab supports the following binary operations.
Operator | Example |
~ Bitwise Not | ~0b10101010 0b-10101011 |
& Bitwise AND | 0b10101010 & 0b11001101 0b10001000 |
| Bitwise OR | 0b10101010 | 0b11001101 0b11101111 |
xor Bitwise XOR | 0b10101010 xor 0b1100110 0b11001100 |
>> Bitwise right shift | 0b10101010 >> 3 0b10101 |
<< Bitwise left shift | 0b10101010 << 3 0b10101010000 |
Binary operations can be performed not just on binary numbers but with any number system.
1234 & 0x123fe
210 ~73453