Hissab supports various color representations.
- Hex (with or without alpha)
- rgb
- rgba
- hsl
- Color names
- Color numbers
Color Conversion
You can convert color representations from one format to another.
#8100ff to rgb color
rgb(129, 0, 255) rgb(129, 0,,rgb(129, 0, 255) to hex
#8100ff red to hsl color
hsl(0, 1, 0.5) pink to color number
16761035 #ff69b4 to color name
hotpink Color Temperature
You can get the temperature of the color.
#8100ff to color temperature
40,000 yellow to color temp
1,000 Mix Colors
You can mix color by simply adding one color with another.
#1c1c1c + rgb(12,145,121)
#14574b cyan + magenta
#8080ff Darken or Brighten colors
You can find a darker or lighter shade of a color by adding a number to the color.
#1c1c1c + 1.3
#4f4f4f #efefef - 1.3
#aeaeae hsl(270,0.5,0.5)
hsl(269.76377952755905, 0.4980392156862745, 0.5) Complimentary Colors
You can find complimentary or inverse of a color.
#e3e3e3 ~red