Number Systems
Most calculations are done using decimal (base 10) number systems, but hissab also supports other number systems.
Number system | Examples |
Decimal Base: 10. The default number system we all know and love | 1234 1,234 23*43 989 |
Binary Base: 2. To input as a binary number use prefix 0b or 0B followed by the binary number | 0b010101 + 0B101010 0b111111 |
Octal Base: 8. To input as a octal number use prefix 0o or 0O followed by the octal number | 0O214562 + 0o263546 0o500330 |
Hexadecimal Base: 16. To input as a hexadecimal number use prefix 0x or 0X followed by the hexadecimal number | 0x1a2f3d2 + 0Xc323ef4 0xdd532c6 |
Numbers with any number system can be used same way as a decimal number.
0b100101 kilogram to grams
0b1001000010001000 grams You can also use different number systems in the same expression. In this case the result will be presented using the first number system used in the expression.
0b100101 + 2345
0b100101001110 2345 + 0b100101
2,382 Number system conversion
You can convert a number from one number system to another.
0b100101 to hex
0x25 0b100101 to decimal
37 2345 + 0b100101 to octal
0o4516 234234 to binary